by Larry Miller
It was 1927, and Gutzon Borglum had just started his famous
Mount Rushmore carvings of Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and
Theodore Roosevelt. Henry Ford
unveiled his new Model A motor car to replace the old Model T, while Charles Lindbergh
– the Lone Eagle – was airborne, making the first non-stop, solo flight across
the Atlantic Ocean in an airplane.
Young "Schoolmarm" Cleo Bigelow |
It was also the year that a young lady out of Sioux County
Nebraska took over as Principal of the East Ward School in Chadron.
Cleo Bigelow was a 35-year-old teacher with 13 years of
elementary classroom teaching, and she was no stranger to small town rural
lifestyle that dominates western Nebraska.
teaching would eventually touch the lives of thousands of west Nebraska
schoolchildren, and she would become a recognized leader in several education
and professional organizations.
Born in 1892 on a ranch northwest of Harrison, Cleo was the
fifth child of Eugene and Elizabeth Bigelow. As was fairly common, the ranch family bought a small house
in town so it would be more convenient for the kids to go to school. When Cleo finished her Junior year, she had to go to Alliance to complete her high school education, since
the school at Harrison had not yet added a Senior year. Fortunately, her older sister Mabel was
teaching in Alliance, and young Cleo lived with her.
Years later, Cleo’s niece, Lois Putnam, wrote that after
Cleo finished high school, she “…returned to the ranch and planned to stay
there to help her father. Her
plans were changed when a newly organized school district just west of the ranch
needed a teacher. She told them
she wasn’t qualified, but the board went to town and got permission from the
County Superintendent for her to teach their school. “
District 46, the “Dunn School” as it was known, wasn’t far
from the Wyoming border, and that’s where Cleo taught in 1915-1916, moving to
the Davis School, District 85, the following year, and then to the Lacy School,
District 34, just a mile west of
the Bigelow ranch. She was there for
five years.
By 1922, older sister Mabel Davis and her husband, Neal,
were living in Chadron, and Cleo enrolled in summer school at Chadron Normal
with plans to earn a teaching certificate and return to Sioux County to
teach. But she was offered a
teaching job at the West Ward elementary school in Chadron, and she accepted
It was in 1924 that Cleo Bigelow began her career with the Chadron
Public Schools -- the same year that a studious-looking young lad named James
Myers graduated from Chadron High.
The bespectacled Myers went on to get a diploma from the Chadron Normal
School in 1928 and immediately went to work teaching at Chadron High
School. Both Bigelow and Myers
were destined to have long tenures within the Chadron school system.
Cleo was at West Ward for four years before moving to East
Ward School, which was housed with the Junior and Senior High School programs
in the three-story brick building at 6th and Ann Street. In addition to teaching Kindergarten,
Bigelow served as Principal. In
subsequent years, she would teach sixth grade and then fourth grade.
Cleo Bigelow -- much as we remember her |
Even with administrative responsibilities as principal,
teaching was never a lucrative career.
After 16 years, 47-year-old Cleo Bigelow’s annual income was shy of
$1,300 a year.
It was as fourth grade teacher that this writer remembers
Cleo Bigelow. I was in the third
grade, and I still recall hoping that Miss Bigelow might retire before I
reached fourth grade. Not that
there was necessarily anything wrong with Miss Bigelow, it was just that she
was…….well, strict. In those
years, hard as it may be to comprehend these days, school principals were to be
respected – and for many of us – feared.
To be sure, she was “old school.”
Many of us who tried to keep below the radar and avoid being noticed by Miss Bigelow remember the "Friday morning Sings" in the old auditorium. There, waving her ruler as a baton, she would lead us all in a bit of culture as we raised our voices to sing songs like "Down in the Valley, " "Stodola-Pump," and a few patriotic numbers like "Anchors Aweigh!"
One East Warder from that era later perceived that elementary
principal Cleo Bigelow and high school principal Jim Myers seemed to share the
same philosophy: “spare the rod and spoil the child!” Another student recalls how Miss Bigelow would tote her ruler
and occasionally snap it across the hands or fingers of idle students she
thought weren’t paying attention.
Such was the experience of Jack Castek, who recalls one day in 1952, "
While we were reading a book -- the student reading out loud was going very slowly -- so I started reading ahead. Miss Bigelow came alongside me, noticed that I was not following along, and she whacked me alongside the head with a ruler." Castek remembered Miss Bigelow as "
fair but hard-nosed."
One CHS 1960 graduate – an East Ward alum whose father
was on the school board – says he remembers hearing that Cleo Bigelow was one
of Superintendent H. A. Schroeder’s favorite teachers. “
She had a lot of ideas
that she would share with Heine Schroeder, who was inclined to adopt them. And Cleo would never claim credit for
them.” He surmised that she was a pretty smart cookie.
H.A. Schroeder |
Another East Ward student whose father also was on the school board back in those days recalls getting whopped alongside the head with a ruler, resulting in a pair of broken glasses. Although Miss Bigelow ended up apologizing in front of the class, "
My dad was as mad as a hornet," she remembers.
Superintendent Schroeder's daughter, Susan Schroeder Lundborg, doesn't remember Miss Bigelow as necessarily being one of her father's favorites, but she does recall that her mother, Opal, was good friends with Bigelow. "
Lorraine (Shaw) and I were best friends, talked a lot to each other, sometimes in class. Miss Bigelow separated us...those multiplication tables were taught by Miss Bigelow and stayed with me through the years." Lorraine (Shaw) MacDonald
remembered Bigelow as being "a very firm teacher who was much harder on the students who needed more assistance."
One might believe she was challenging them to do better.
Amazingly, this writer and many other youngsters who were
students of Cleo Bigelow’s, managed to not only survive fourth grade at East
Ward, but actually thrive in succeeding years. She had done her job, but it certainly seemed she wasn’t trying to win any popularity contest with her
students. She did, however,
continue to maintain a strong relationship with her family and her Sioux County
“Cleo returned to Harrison each summer to be
with her parents, always spending one day a week at the ranch of her brother,
Lee, cleaning house and getting a meal for the ‘boys,’ Lee and his long-time
hired man, Adrian Smith. She was
always available to cook for the branding and threshing crews,” wrote Lois
Putnam many years later.
“After the passing of
her parents, she spent summer and winter vacations on the ranch with Lee and
Adrian and became their “live-in” housekeeper after her retirement and until
Lee’s death in 1965. After his
death Cleo returned to Chadron and her apartment in her sister’s home.”
Her role changed significantly in May 1959, when she retired
from teaching. She was 67 years
old and had spent nearly two-thirds of her life as a teacher.
Celebrating 90 Years |
School kids, of course, usually see their teachers in the
sole capacity of teacher. Heaven
forbid teachers should have a life outside the classroom!
Cleo Bigelow reportedly enjoyed traveling and was involved
with Friends of the Library and Republican Women, among others. And for Cleo, her roots in Sioux
County remained strong and durable.
Active in several professional and community organizations, she was a charter member of the Chadron Business and Professional Women and a life
member of the Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teachers. While she was active in the Methodist
Church and the Women’s Society, it was with the Woodbine Rebekah Lodge of
Harrison that kept Cleo active for more than 70 years. She held many offices in the lodge and
in 1953 she was honored with the Rebekah Degree of Chivalry – the same honor
once afforded her mother, Elizabeth Bigelow.
In September 1982, Cleo Bigelow celebrated her 90th birthday. She would live another six years, but she endured growing
difficulties with glaucoma and lost her vision.
Long-time neighbors Bob and Therese Hinman took Cleo
into their home and cared for her in the final few years of her life. She died in their Lake Street home on June 9,
1988. She was 95 years old.
(Our thanks to Sue Willey of Harrison, NE and Mary Willnerd of Spearfish, SD for their assistance with this story)