In an age when "reality" television shows tend to anesthetize a fair percentage of the American population and dumb down our sense of what constitutes a rich and meaningful life, it's gratifying to read about someone who not only makes the most of what they have, but they also make a difference in our world.
What a joy to read about Chadron native Mark Grantham, shown at right, who's been busy covering a lot of ground and doing a lot of interesting and good things.
Anyone who's lived in Dawes County over the past century or so is familiar with the Grantham name. Mark is one of the many Grantham offspring who've done well. And his story is worth reading.
Another busy guy, Con Marshall, occasionally offers us a few of his many feature stories -- and we found this one particularly fascinating.
Thank you, Con, for generously sharing this story:
(click title to read the story)