Results from the Senior and Junior divisions.
Group Exhibit
1, Kamden Victory and Tylea Underwood of Crawford with Grace Abbott; 2, Arissa Staman, Erika Flores, and Nichelle Patty of Bayard with The Women Belong in the House and in the Senate.
Group Performance
1, Matthew Applegate, and Dugan Pafford of Bayard with An End to Nucyaler [sic] Proliferation by Jerry Rabushka.
Individual Documentary
1, Tyler Kaus of Chadron with Meyer v. Nebraska: Debate Over Bilingual Education; 2, Alexa Tollman of Crawford with The Battle to Save Fort Robinson’s History.
Individual Paper
1, Maralee Rischling of Chadron with The Debate to Forego Diplomacy: The 1936 Nazi Olympics; 2, Hannah Rudloff of Sioux County with Nixon Goes to China: Consequences for the 20th Century and the 21st Century.
Individual Website
1, Thomas Kaus of Chadron with Diplomacy that Aided Polish Independence.
Group Exhibit
1, Miranda Betson and Teague Edelman of Crawford with The Many Faces of Mount Rushmore; 2, Ada Norman and Amelia Betson of Crawford with Sacagawea.
Group Website
1, Matthew Sorenson and Samuel Kahl of Chadron with Debate and Diplomacy During the Cuban Missile Crisis; 2, Eliu Paopao and Wesley Margetts of Chadron with Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin and his Effects on the Romanovs.
Individual Documentary
1, Josephine Werner of Chadron with The Use of Animation as Propaganda in World War II; 2, Mason Frye of Chadron with Joe Louis’ Influence for Civil Rights Movement.
Individual Exhibit
1, Jaelyn Brown of Chadron with Jefferson vs. Hamilton Debate on the National Bank.
Individual Website
1, Hannah Sprock of Chadron with Hindenburg Disaster; 2, Samson Sprague of Chadron with Understanding the Space Race.
—Tena L. Cook, Marketing Coordinator