by Larry Miller
(NOTE: Many thanks to Con Marshall for his assistance in providing much of the information contained in this story.)
(NOTE: Many thanks to Con Marshall for his assistance in providing much of the information contained in this story.)
It was 92 years ago today -- March 10, 1923 -- that Val Fitch
was born at Merriman , Nebraska . His older brother, Lyle, was nearly 10 years older.
While “Fitch” is not exactly a
household name, it’s one that gained considerable prominence across the country and around the world over the past several decades.
The Fitch brothers were products of the Nebraska
sandhills – and they both attended Chadron State College, as did their sister, Helen.
Their story, of course, started
many years earlier – at about the beginning of the 20th century –
when their grandfather, Peter Fitch and his wife Minerva, sold their rural home
near Valley, Nebraska (Madison County) and moved to the open grasslands of
northwest Cherry County. The Fitch
family had lived in Madison
County since the time of
the Civil War, so it was likely a big change for them, striking out for the
wide-open Sandhills. It was there, not
far from Merriman, that Peter bought a cattle ranch. By the time the federal census was taken in
1910, there were six children in the Fitch family. The oldest was 19-year-old Fred.
In about 1912 or 1913, Fred Fitch married
Frances Logsdon, a teacher, and they would continue the Fitch ranching
operation, raising purebred Herefords on their ranch about five miles northwest of Merriman. With the coming of World War I, Fred
registered for the draft. By then, the
summer of 1917, Fred and Frances Fitch had two children: 3-year-old Lyle and an infant daughter,
Helen. Lyle and Helen would start their education in a nearby one-room country
Then, on March 10, 1923, Val was
born. But before he was old enough to
start school, Val’s father, Fred, was involved in a horse accident that would
lead the family to move in to Merriman, where the children would enroll in the
town school.
Their stay in Merriman was cut
short. Within three years the family relocated
again, this time to Gordon, where Fred became a general insurance agent, bought
a home and made a decent living for his family.
The Fitch brothers story, to that
point, was not a particularly remarkable tale, apart from the resiliency the
family demonstrated when faced with some life-changing incidents.
But whatever the challenges, the
Fitch boys seemed more than prepared.
Lyle Fitch graduated from Gordon High
School in 1930.
Armed with a scholarship, he went to Chadron and enrolled at the State Normal
School .
After earning his bachelor’s degree at Chadron in 1935, he went on to
take a master’s degree from the University
of Nebraska . He married Violet Vaughan in 1937, before
later enrolling at Columbia University in New
York City , where he earned his Ph.D. in Economics.
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Lyle Fitch |
Recognized as an authority on urban
problems, Lyle served as Deputy Administrator for the City of New York in 1957 to 1960. The city administrator for the nation’s
largest city had numerous responsibilities.
Among them were recommending management practices and procedures for the
city and its many agencies and conducting management studies on behalf of the
mayor. Fitch went on to serve as City
Administrator under Mayor Robert F. Wagner.
Lyle Fitch stepped down as
Administrator in 1961. In a letter to
Mayor Wagner, he reportedly wrote that “…management improvement in New York is like going with Alice through the looking glass: so much of our effort is spent in running
hard just to keep even.” Fitch
identified several major problems that the city “must solve,” including
transportation services, which were then fragmented between 11 different
authorities and departments – all operating under highly divergent rules and
controls. Nonetheless, Fitch wrote that
he knew of "no other city in the world where the overall level of governmental performance
excels that of New York ….”
Fitch was proud of his youthful years on a Nebraska ranch. Lawrence Van Gelder of the New York
Times wrote that Fitch “liked to say that he was the only public official in New York City who could
rope, tie, and brand a calf.”
Fitch’s passion for good government took him to the presidency of Institute
of Public Administration , a private,
nonprofit education, research and consulting center based in New York City . He served in that capacity for some 21 years.

A prolific author of articles and
books about urban and national development, Fitch also authored the definitive
book about the life of Luther Gulick, entitled “Making Democracy Work – The
Life and Letters of Luther Halsey Gulick.”
Gulick was a highly-respected social scientist appointed by President
Franklin D. Roosevelt to help reorganize the federal government in the latter
years of the Great Depression.
In his final years, Lyle Fitch and his wife, Violet, lived in a New Jersey retirement
community. He died of lung cancer at the
age of 83.
If Lyle Fitch was an achiever – and
there’s little doubt that he was – his younger brother Val would carry the
Fitch name to even greater heights.
After graduation from Gordon High
School as class valedictorian in 1940, Val Fitch enrolled at Chadron State College, where he remained until March 1943 when he
was drafted into the Army. He served as an
enlisted technician on the Manhattan Project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
in New Mexico ,
rubbing shoulders with some of the top physicists in the world – all working
toward development of the atomic bomb. He
was at Alamogordo in 1945 and “witnessed the
first detonations of the bomb…he was responsible for the timing signals that
triggered the weapon,” according to Princeton
University .
Although he was apparently offered
a job as a research assistant at Cornell
University after the war,
Fitch had not yet secured his bachelor’s degree. He moved to Montreal
and went to McGill
University , earning an
electrical engineering degree in 1948.
He then went to Columbia
University to work on his
doctorate. While conducting research
with his adviser, James Rainwater, Fitch discovered that the nucleus of the
atom was much smaller than was previously thought – about half the size and
twice the density.
Val Fitch |
His colleagues at Princeton
observed that Fitch became “a towering figure in physics, who helped shape our
understanding of the universe.”
Dr. Fitch served on the President’s
Science Advisory Committee from 1970 to 1973 and had a long list of awards and
honors that only a precious few people could ever hope to receive.
Most descriptions of Val Fitch include words like “modest,” and “kind.”
When he returned to Chadron State
College more than a decade after he had been presented with the Nobel Prize,
Fitch spoke to more than 150 educators at the Nebraska Science and Mathematics
2000 Conference.
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International Space Station |
In the same talk, Fitch took a
swipe at the International Space Station project that was developed by NASA in
the 1980s, saying it would cost tens of billions of dollars. He said it was “sold” to the public for its
scientific merit, but every scientific society denied that it would have any
scientific value. Instead, Fitch said,
it was ”nothing more or less than a massive public works program for the
aerospace industry.”
Fitch also observed in 1992 that
most of the nation’s leaders were ignoring a number of serious problems –
including the population explosion.
“Despite the fact that the world’s population is increasing at a rate of
a quarter million people each day, it is a problem which most politicians will
still not touch even though it is a leading cause of social unrest, which, I am
afraid, will get much worse.”
In the early 1990s, the U.S. Postal
Service conducted a public survey to select an Elvis Presley stamp. Fitch noted that he couldn’t remember any
scientist being honored with a postage stamp since Albert Einstein was on a
first-class stamp, and that was back when first-class postage was eight cents.
Fitch seemed to lament the priorities
that our society establishes for entertainers and sports stars – as opposed to
scientists and educators. But he offered
a solution.
“I have been proposing that the pay
scale of teachers and baseball players – as well as rock stars – be
interchanged. Minimum salaries for
teachers would become $109,000 per year, and the best of them would be paid
millions. With these monetary rewards, I
am sure many scientists and teachers would then find their place on stamps.”
In his later years, Fitch enjoyed growing bonsai, baking bread, and
playing Scrabble. He reportedly spent summers in Nova Scotia and had
become an accomplished sailor.
Val Logsdon Fitch died at his home
in Princeton , New Jersey on February 5, 2015. He was 91 years old.
Fitch married Elise Cunningham in
1949 while a student at Columbia
University . They had two sons, John and Alan. Four years after her death in 1972, Fitch
married Daisy Harper Sharp and became father to her three children.
Both Lyle and Val Fitch received
the Distinguished Service Award from Chadron State College. We suspect they considered that award among
their most prized.
Not bad for a couple of ranch kids
from northwest Nebraska .
(Note: Many thanks to Con Marshall and DeWayne Gimeson at Chadron State College for providing
much of the information and the photos of Lyle and Val Fitch used in this story)