During the summer of 2010, the Chadron High School Class of 1960 held a reunion celebrating 50 years since they graduated, and the Class of 1961 -- which seems to have had a jaded history in trying to celebrate reunions at traditional times -- decided to join with the "older" bunch.
So, technically, it had been 49 years since they departed high school. Their first reunion gathering was 11 years after graduation. Seems like most classes enjoy the comfort of 10th, 25th, and 50th years -- with occasional variations.
But the Cardinals of 1961 have always marched to a different drummer it seems.
With recent "Fur Trade Days" celebration in Chadron -- accompanied by an abundance of school reunions involving Chadron Assumption, Chadron Prep, and Chadron High -- it seemed like a good idea for the Class of '61 to get back on track with a "true" 50th anniversary reunion.
So '61 classmates John Urwin, John Schleicher, and a handful of others, sent out word via e-mail that any and all classmates who wanted to try it again should try to gather for a reunion. And so they did.....many bringing along their spouses to join the fun.
John and Mary Ann Schleicher kindly offered up their home as a venue for the event, and it turned out to be a delightful affair.
True, there weren't nearly as many folks as congregated last year, but that allowed attendees to engage in deeper conversations without having to run hither and thither for a variety of events that are traditionally scheduled for reunions. An while most of those who showed up for the event live within a short distance of Chadron, Ron Stever came from Wichita, and Jerry Mathis came from Indiana. Tom Sims, Larry Miller, and Larry Matthesen all drove in from the Black Hills area. The rest of the group live in the immediate Chadron vicinity.
Participants all chipped in to buy food and drink, and Mary Ann Schleicher did a superb job of preparing the ribs and hamburgers -- along with a variety of additional dishes. Mary Lou Urwin had a hand in the kitchen, too, and it everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. Our sincere thanks to the Schleichers, Urwins, and others who had a hand in putting this event together.
A few folks climbed aboard Urwin 4-wheelers to explore the surrounding territory, but virtually everyone enjoyed good fellowship and share more than a few memories from their days at Chadron High. Did we mention that several cameras were busy during this get-together? You'll find some photographs in our Class of '61 Reunion gallery.